The Inspired Wren Pages

Announcing Inspire Us Thursdays Beginning in April!

I love a good Link Party. Perusing link parties is how I found most of the sewing-bloggers I now follow, led me to learn sewing tips and tricks I never would have discovered otherwise, and first introduced me to the world of self-published sewing patterns. My favorite parties are inevitably the ones populated by lots of sewing, or knitting, or cross-stitch, or crochet; but those links can be hard to find through all the food and decor and blogging tips these days. So rather than endlessly search the interwebs for those rare link parties full of fabric and yarn and embroidery floss, I thought I'd bring it to my little corner of the web. I'm excited to announce a new link party, Inspire Us Thursdays: Sew Needle Stitch Hook, coming to The Inspired Wren beginning in April!

Inspire Us Thursdays: Sew Needle Stitch Hook, a new Link Party beginning April 3! | The Inspired Wren
Coming to The Inspired Wren beginning April 3!

There will be three simple guidelines for this link party beginning April 3rd:

Keep to the medium of fiber.

Basically anything with fabric, thread, floss, or yarn is welcome—sewing of all kinds (sew), cross-stitch & embroidery (needle), knitting (stitch), crochet (hook).

Showcase your own work.

Please no link parties, giveaways, or advertisements.

Upload up to three links per week.

You can also link-up images from Flickr; so even if you don't have a blog of your own, you can still inspire others and get feedback by sharing your work here. But please avoid repetition from week to week, or even within the same week.

That's it! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I confess my big fear is that I'll be alone in my little sandbox here, linking all by myself. I admit I'm concerned Guideline #1 narrows the creative field too much for a successful link party. I know Pinterest is fun (but huge), and CraftGawker is gorgeous (but restrictive), yet I'm hopeful there's still room for simple appreciation of each other's passions; a place where we can cheer for and inspire each other. So mark your blog schedules & calendars to come back Thursday, April 3rd and we'll give it a go!

You should really see all that goes into each project!
From my model preferring to wear washi tape on her belly button instead of the clothes I've sewn for her, to the ingenious way that I’ve re-purposed my favorite sewing tool, a chopstick, into a spool pin for double needle sewing on my machine. Daily updates on Instagram (and Flickr) of works-in-progress will give you that behind the scenes view you’re looking for, and sneak peeks of First Tuesday Tutorials, too.

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